Friday, December 19, 2014

My ramblings - what else? ;)

Until you have blown your nose into your bare hands because there was nothing else.

Until you have shaved by the light of your laptop because the light was something else.

Until you have washed your dishes with your laundry detergent because there is nothing else.

Until you have prayed prayers of "Jesus please don't let me poop myself" as you rush to the house because there is nowhere else.

Until you lay in a fetal position with a stomach ache so bad and you're tempted to dream of being somewhere else.

Until you invite children into the house and feed them, love and study them as they eat, knowing they have had nothing else.

Until you have eaten macaroni with ketchup - mix in some hot peppers -because there is nothing else.

Until you have fallen on your face as your heart was breaking at what is around you because it felt like there was no one else.

Until then, do not tell me you are poor because you, friend, are anything else.

Until you can acknowledge "blessed are the poor for they will inherit the kingdom of God" - want for nothing else.

Until you have felt the hand of God on your cheek and smelled Him so sweet you did not want to move as His presence is something else.

Until you know He the Lord our God is near to his beloved and brokenhearted as He could not fathom being anywhere else.

Until you preach the gospel in the streets to people who may harm you because they do not want to hear anything else.

Until you cast demons out and order them on their way "do not bother anyone else."

Until you fight for what is right so they see Jesus for who He is and nothing else.

Until your soul cries "Abba (Father)..." measure yourself against no one else.

Until souls come home dare not speak of anything else.

Until you are a missionary on God's mission, wherever you are, be no one else.

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