Sunday, November 9, 2014

Will you help Meheret Teka and her family?

Meheret Teka

Meheret is a grade 5 student at BCI Academy. She is partially sponsored. She is a full orphan as she lost both parents when she was living in another area outside of Debre Zeyit. Her relative guardian who was living in Debre Zeyit at the time of her loss took her in, but this relative, her adopted mom, has 4 children of her own. The siblings are in government school except for the youngest as he is only 2.

The Christian family once lived in a church compound and their church, Emmanuel, funded the place that they live in now. When we reached their home, I joked with Getu that you needed to be part mountain goat to get here. He laughed, because he and I both know the walk we walked today was not as bad as some treks these kids make every day. The view from the top of the hill is amazing, but if you don't watch your footing, you will keep rolling down the mountainside.

Front view at first firm foot setting outside their home

View of a church to the right of the home,
located on the top of another hill
View down the hillside to the left of the home

The area in which they live would be nice for raising livestock and chickens. The mom is asking for chickens to sell for more income as the family is needy. I'm asking not only for the chickens for the family but for a donkey as well so they are not forced to carry water by themselves alone. Carrying water the distance they need to gets heavy and can be dangerous if one were to slip and fall. The children share a small make shift bed maybe with a slice of foam in a small corner on the floor and it is hard for me to imagine how all the kids sleep on this small space. They would have to sleep on top of each other if not some of them on the floor, but even if a missionary were to buy or make a bed for them, the living area is so small it would not fit without the removal of some of the other furniture that they do have.

If you are interested in sponsoring Meheret so that she is fully sponsored and receiving full support from BCI, please visit

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