Monday, September 29, 2014

Teach a man to fish - Current Ministry Needs


We are certainly into making fishers of men; this is why we are here, and to the best we know how we will do for God's glory.  So far, I know at least 25 people have made a decision to receive Jesus in the two weeks that I've been back here.  Hear me well.  It is not about this messenger.  The Lord has sent others here before me who have fed and built into these moments of clear decision.  I'm so excited that it is happening and that I got the chance to lead some of them as I fully plan on dying (when I die) falling forward for His mission.  While decisions to follow Christ are major wins, miraculous nonetheless, there's more to be done. 

The poverty you see in Ethiopia can be of the extreme, and the servants at Blessing the Children International are certainly filled with joy to meet the needs we can of the many needy in the surrounding community, but we also believe the bible teaches us in order to eat we put our hands to work.  That said, we are training the women of the sponsorship program in learning a trade with the effort of teaching them to fish for a lifetime. 

This part of the ministry includes paper bead making.  Since my first trip to Debre Zeyit, I taught myself how to make paper bead jewelry and opened my own sole proprietorship business back home as a means for extra mission support.  Now, I get to train these women two times a week in paper bead making in hopes of providing extra income for their families.

Here's where you come in. 

We need supplies.  We are in need of things not readily available in Ethiopia and we are depending on the generosity of others to help me begin and continue this ministry with these women.  We need plain copy paper, Elmer's glue, toothpicks, beading string both regular and stretchy (stretchy for bracelets), permanent markers for making designs, and I have a preference for a gloss glaze sealer and/or clear nail polish to both seal the bead and make it shine.

Would you be praying and asking Jesus if you get to give toward this ministry?

All supplies may be mailed via FedEx to BCDO, P.O. Box 1410, Debre Zeyit, East Shoa, Ethiopia, Africa.  You may place my full name on the inside of the box to let us know who it is for if you like: Jamie Wallin.

While this is not a welfare ministry, generosity does things.  I've seen it myself with my own eyes.  I am also asking for any spare clothing you may have.  Instead of gifting it to Goodwill where it may or may not sit on a rack for a year, will you consider shipping it here where I've literally seen children, held their hand, on my way to/from BCI Academy without shoes and very, very old clothing with holes and tears in them?  Sponsorships matter, but what if we went above and beyond the sponsor kids?  What if, because of your giving, we got to go throughout these alleys giving free clothes, proclaiming the love of God?  How amazing would it be if we got to give a child an outfit, and this child, because we gave, made a decision for Christ?  I only ask one thing.  If the article of clothing is not something you would wear yourself (maybe it has a hole or is stained), would you please not send it.  We are grateful for your donations, but let's let genuine generosity flow from our hearts.

If the Lord taps your shoulder, calls you out on the challenge, you may send those things to the above address as well.  Thanks for reading and be blessed!!


We are the Light of the World! We will not be hidden!

Hey guys!  This is a link to a short vid of some kiddos at Meserete Kristos Church this past Sunday.  We learned we are the light of the world if we are in Christ and ways we can let God's light shine from Scripture in Matthew 5:14-16.  The glow sticks served as a reminder of this truth.  If you helped in any way in getting me back to Debre Zeyit for this ministry, the kids and I wanted to thank you!  Amesignalehu!  Enjoy!!

Click here:

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Sunday School at Meserete Kristos Church

THAT was so much fun!

I just got the gift of my life teaching Sunday School at MKC with a headcount of over 53 kids! I taught them the Ten Commandments, and some of them already knew, but the night before I (with the help of Eshetu) put together a dry erase board with the Ten Commandments on paper folded and taped to the board to make it a little more interactive, and when I asked for 10 volunteers to help me flip the paper to read each commandment, the room went wild. do you control and contain over 53 kids in a room that may measure 12X12? Sara, Mulugeta's (BCI Academy principal) daughter, helped me translate and keep the room under control. She was fantastic. When it got too rowdy, I stood in the middle of the room and told them "everyone reach up high and grab a banana" which they did, "and put it in your mouth. This is how we know we need to be quiet." And it worked. So sweet, and amazing kids. The woman who was standing in the room watching held in a giggle. But hey!

I was going to let them color after the lesson if they wanted to but there were more kids than I had stuff for, so we played games instead. I taught them how to play Duck, Duck, Goose with Sara's help in telling them how and getting them separated into groups of 10 each.  They seemed to like the new game. 


So much fun. So, so much fun. I hope we didn't disturb the big kid class too much, but we were praising Jesus even if we did.

"Following Jesus is not about following a bunch of rules. God gave us the Ten Commandments as a guideline. If we break one, this is what is so cool about Jesus - it's why He came. He forgives us through His grace. We get to love Jesus more than we love anyone else. We live for Jesus more than we live for anyone else."

And that concludes the first Sunday School I got to teach since being back in Debre Zeyit! Thanks so much for your support in helping make all of this possible.  I can't wait until next week!